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Polar Patrol Homepage

Welcome to the Polar Patrol (aka: PP) Guild of Tibia. The founder/leader of this guild is Brandit.  

Our Guild Headquarters are in Vega, one of the Ice Islands in the north west of Tibia Continent.  

PP/CIP News:

Sept 15, 2001 - dennistt
  • New Members and Leaders Pages. Members, email me @ dennistt@hotmail.com to get the password and the pagename.
Sept 14, 2001 - CIP
  • Quoted from Official Site "We solved the technical problems of the past weeks. The server runs now without any freezes. Nevertheless please keep playing carefully during the next few days. We're still investigating the server to make sure that everything's back to normal."
Sept 12, 2001 - Brandit
  • I'll repeat what dennistt said. Also, when you have extra time doing nothing, please contribute to our headquarters building in Vega with crates, boxes, etc. Thanks for all your help members and nonmembers.
  • We are welcoming all characters that want to help and join PP. Just let one of our leaders know (dennistt or me) or use the forum or the Online Form.
Sept 12, 2001 - dennistt
  • As many of our leaders are at school, we are currently not going to meet regularly but maybe meet once every two months on weekends. We'll continue meetings at around Christmas time.
  • Also, the website will not be updated quite as often as before.  We are as I said earlier at school most of the time and there is lots of homework.  All the pressure is put on me because I'm the only webmaster we have.
  • We have had spammers spam our Online Form.  Please do not do that because it takes lots of time to clean up for it (it's my job again)
  • I'm working on a Members News page.  Wait a few weeks and it'll be up.
Sept 02, 2001 - dennistt
  • Lets welcome Dizzy to our Patrol Team!



Leader/Founder: Brandit
Webmaster: dennistt

Page Last Modified: 28/08/2001